Wednesday, February 16, 2011

About Communication

From this pod-casting project, I expect to learn about the differences in communication between two vastly different cultures such as Japanese culture and American culture. In learning about the finer points of the Japanese language, my communication skills and those of my pod-casting mates will be improved. Before discussing how our communication skills will improve it is important to find a meaning of communication in this context. Oxford English Dictionary defines communication as "Senses relating to affinity or association" and "interpersonal contact, social interaction, association, intercourse". To me communication is all about the interaction and relationship between two parties. Whether or not one is able to converse and share ideas effectively is a part of the finer details involved in human interaction.
For example, this pod-casting project teaches us many elements necessary for effective communication such as conveying clear and concise messages and understanding the differences between cultures in communication. This project allows us to practice our oratory skills in the Japanese language to not just our sensei or our classmates, but also to a large Japanese audience. In this way, communication is a relay of information between parties but also a connection between cultures.

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